How To DIY Christmas Gifts

December 1, 2016

If you are in a creative mood or looking for a way to save money around Christmas, DIY gifts are the way to go. These gifts are simple yet perfect for family, friends, cousins and significant others and are guaranteed to get everyone in the Christmas spirit. Gather your supplies and get ready for some Christmas crafting.


Bath Bombsbath-bomb

What you will need:

  • One cup baking soda
  • One cup citric acid
  • One cup epsom salt
  • One-half cup cornstarch
  • Four tablespoons coconut oil
  • Two to four drops food coloring
  • A circle mold
  • A bowl
  • A fork
  • A stirring utensil

Steps you will take:

  1. In a large bowl mix cornstarch, citric acid and baking soda.
  2. Slowly add coconut oil and begin to stir with a fork so it will remain fluffy.
  3. Once thoroughly mixed add the drops of coloring you wish.
  4. Mix once again to allow the whole mixture to be colored.
  5. In the circular mold sprinkle epsom salt around the perimeter.
  6. Next add the colored mixture in the mold and press together for two to three minutes.
  7. After pressed, allow them to sit untouched overnight.


52 Reasons “I love you”52-reasons

What you will need:

  • Deck of cards
  • A hole punch
  • String
  • Scrapbook paper
  • Glue
  • Magazines or a computer with a printer
  • Elmer’s glue or Modge Podge
  • A paint brush

Steps you will take:

  1. Write out your “52 reasons”.
  2. Punch two holes on the left side of each card in the deck.
  3. Find words or pictures in magazines that give your reasons or print them out.
  4. Glue each slip of paper with Elmer’s glues.
  5. With a paint brush coat over each card with Modge Podge; let dry for one to two hours.
  6. While waiting for the cards to dry, create the cover with scrapbooking paper.
  7. Lastly put the cards in the order you want then tie the string through the holes.


picture-initialPicture Initial

What you will need:

  • A large wooden letter
  • A paint brush
  • Modge podge
  • Pictures
  • Scissors
  • Paint (optional)

Steps you will take:

  1. If you choose to paint, begin with painting the edges with any color you wish (once no longer wet, continue)
  2. Layout your pictures on the letter
  3. Trim the pictures so there are none hanging off the edges
  4. “Paint” the letter with Modge Podge in the place you want to place the first picture. (make sure the whole area is covered.) It is critical you paint the places one by one.
  5. Next, place the photos down (again one by one). Press down and make sure no air bubbles form.
  6. Lastly, “paint” a thin layer of Modge Podge over the pictures to make them stiff.
  7. Allow to sit until dry.


Hot Cocoa Ornaments hot-cocoa

What you will need:

  • Clear fillable plastic ornaments
  • A pack of cocoa mix per ornament
  • Holiday colored sprinkles
  • Mini chocolate chips or white chocolate chips
  • The smallest marshmallows you can find
  • Funnel
  • Ribbon

Steps you will take:

  1. Begin with a clean ornament with the top off
  2. With the funnel add a pack of hot cocoa mix
  3. Pour three layers of sprinkles (enough to be seen through the ornament)
  4. Next, add a layer of the chocolate chips
  5. Fill the container to the rim with marshmallow bits
  6. Lastly, place the top back on and tie a ribbon just to add some detail


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