Another adaptation of the classic story of the “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, TMNT: Mutant Mayhem” shows a more kid-like perspective with the voice actors of the turtles actually being child actors.
“Mutant Mayhem” came out on Aug. 2 and has so far been met with great reviews. Written by actor Seth Rogen, “Mutant Mayhem” has a huge comedic aspect. Though some of the lines are a little stereotypical to Gen Z slang, the movie does a great job at keeping the more child-like aspect, which is different from other TMNT movies.
Another difference is April, who is usually portrayed as a white woman, is now black and voiced by Ayo Edebiri, a black actress.
The diversity does not only start with the animated April but with the cast as a whole. Each casting decision was perfect for each voice, my favorite being Jackie Chan as the turtle’s adoptive father, Splinter.
“Mutant Mayhem” focuses on the aspect of the turtles just wanting to be normal teenagers instead of mutants and what it is like to find other people who are similar but have different ideals. The film also focuses on the separation between two races, the humans and the mutants. It is interesting how everything plays out for the turtles and the lessons they learn along the way.
The film is a great watch for not only children but for older audiences as well. Compared to other adaptations, this one actually caught my attention, made me laugh and made me want more.