The Student News Source of Sparkman High School

Photo Credit: Amiyah Baker

Social Studies teacher and coach, William Bishop, finally teaching an in person class

Virtual Teacher Comes Back To School, Ready To Start Fresh

Crimson Crier: What was it like going from teaching remote last year to teaching full classes this year?

William Bishop: The transition has been smooth for me. Being an online teacher had its perks but because there was nobody to talk to and teach, it made for long days. I appreciate the back and forth with the students more now than I did before I became an online teacher.

CC: What is your favorite part about teaching and being a coach?

B: My favorite part about teaching is seeing actually after the students have completed my class. I enjoy seeing them in the halls the next semester/year and they bring up certain activities/assignments we did. My favorite thing about being a coach is watching the players grow throughout the year. In the beginning, it seems like you are speaking a foreign language to them. Week by week, their understanding grows and they take that onto the field to compete. The satisfaction on their faces after a win is a great sight.

CC: Do you prefer coaching baseball or football season and why?

B: Honestly, I cannot choose between the 2. In my opinion, nothing will ever be better than football games but going through the entire process of a baseball season is very rewarding. Both sports have their pros and cons. Football starts with hot weather and ends in cold and baseball is just the opposite. I love both equally.

CC: What is your main goal as a teacher this year?

B: My main goal as a teacher this year is to put my students in the best possible position to be successful next year. If that means diving into the side effects of the Cold War or discussing important matters currently happening in our country, that is what I will do.

CC: How does covid affect how you want to do things in your classroom? 

B: Covid has changed a lot of what we like to do in our society today. In my classroom, I will continue to be as flexible as possible. Yesterday we were level zero and today we are at a level1 and need to stay away from group work. Flexibility is the best strategy for teachers today. Things are constantly changing so we need to be prepared for that change.

CC: What do you do in your spare time?

B: In my spare time you will find me in the outdoors deer hunting or turkey hunting.

CC: What was your favorite high school experience that you wish students could experience today?

B: The same events Sparkman has currently are the same things I had when I was in High School. We had sports, band, SGA, FCA, choir, etc. I wish students at Sparkman High had more interaction with the feeder schools. They do not know it but when those kids come to Sparkman High events, they think you are royalty and want to be just like you. It does not matter if you are a big-time sports athlete or the valedictorian, the elementary students look up to you.

CC: What is your favorite era in history and why?

B: I actually do not have a “favorite era”. I have selective time periods that I enjoy. Ancient America(Aztec/Incan/Mayan) is an interesting time because it is the start of European contact with the natives. Talking about the Egyptians and the construction of the pyramids is something that I Could spend an entire semester on. With that being said, any American war has my interest.

CC: Why did you choose to teach history?

B: Can History be boring? Of course, it can. There are some eras that are a struggle to get through. Books/journals/articles are our only connection to the History of our world. Connecting the past to the present has always been something I liked to do. Teaching it always seemed like an enjoyable career and it has been so far.

CC: Why did you choose to teach history?

B: From early into my college career, I knew that if I was going to be a teacher that I would be better at the high school level. Once I graduated I began looking for jobs at this level but would accept jobs at the middle school level. When Sparkman called me, I knew this was the place for me.

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