May 2-Days to Celebrate

The internet is the place of the future, what a majority of the world is built off of in our modern day. It brings about knowledge, entertainment, communication and so much more, with it only advancing everyday. But with the joys and many uses of the internet, alongside the technology that harbors it, what keeps everyone safe and secure? Throughout the years, people have come up with various ways to steal information or access others’ devices and personal means, with a new way coming about after the last was solved or patched.
The internet is as dangerous as it is useful, with every user at risk if precautions and security measures are not put into effect or taken seriously. Just like a house, doors and windows need locks, while valuables can be safely stowed away inside a safe. The same goes for the handful of devices that everyone owns, as security is the only thing standing in between it and someone with malicious intent. Not just devices, but individual accounts go by the same principle, as security helps prevent information or data from being stolen. To help spread the pass-word around, May 2, the first Thursday, is World Password Day, dedicated to exactly that.
Passwords were first introduced in 1961, by a MIT computer science professor by the name of Fernando Corbato. This was the first usage of passwords with computers, at least. The term first came about in ancient Rome, where the Roman army would use “watchwords,” which was a password that proved one’s identity. Many years later, a similar system was used during Prohibition, with speakeasies requiring a special password would need to be presented to gain access. But in 1961, Corbato created the first digital password, used to allow certain users of a giant computer to gain access to the terminals.
Now in modern times, passwords are everywhere you look. To get into a personal computer, logging in to a game or banking website and to especially gain access to a phone. Right off the bat, website providers and computers are quick to have you set up a password, as declining already puts you at an imminent risk. So how does one make a quality, secure password? It is a simple process, but still requires thinking and strategizing, in a way. Just because someone sets a password does not mean it is secure.
One should also refrain from using names or favorite food, as both (especially pet names) are a popular choice when making a password. It is common for hackers to find passwords using a “dictionary attack,” meaning the hacker tries to find your password using common words and phrases.
To counter against this, using “solid words”, such as only uppercase and lowercase letters, is something to stay away from. Instead, having a mixture of the two already protects against dictionary attacks, since the attack tool tends to only use words of one letter case. The next way to strengthen a password is using both symbols and numbers. Doing so helps against hackers and even data breaches, mainly through preventing it further from being guessed or processed. A password like “$sT09h@Ck” is much more secure than “sTOpHaCk.”
The most secure passwords tend to be ones that resemble no words or phrases, just a jumble of random characters, but remembering passwords is another topic. The easiest solution would be to write down passwords in a secure place, such as a notebook or a doc. But if a password needs to be remembered and memorized, it is easiest to make the password still a jumble of characters, but still forming a phrase. Doing so can allow one to memorize a password easier, while still being secure as a jumble password. Like the one above, “$sT09h@Ck,” it has a variety of both letter cases, numbers, and symbols, while still resembling the phrase “Stophack.” For some, making a password with each letter or symbol resembling a word works as well. For example, “D8#hn!k()q” could translate to “Date, number eight, no!, k circle, and quail.”
If someone is not comfortable with creating safe passwords, there are still other ways to do so. One of the easiest ways is to access a password generation website. Multiple ones show up, which they may not all be completely safe and secure. The recommended one is Nortan’s official website, which hosts the Norton Password Generator. Doing so will grant a secure password, with adjustable strength and length, which then can be used for utmost security. It is also recommended to change two or more characters in a generated password, for the sake of extra security, so the password will not be identical to the generated one just in case.
As an entire day has been dedicated to passwords, it is obvious that they are an important part of modern day and its security. Creating a strong password is like a tight road over a ravine; the road, being passwords, is the only thing preventing you from falling into the ravine, becoming victim to a cyberattack.
Did you know that May 2 is National Truffle Day? Well, if you didn’t then you learned something new today. Congrats! To celebrate this recognition day, I decided to review Lindt brand truffles.
Starting with the Milk Chocolate Truffle, I give it a solid seven out of 10. I like when a truffle has a little bit more flavor to it. It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t my favorite.
Next up we have the White Chocolate Truffle. This truffle was dense and sweet. The texture on the outside sets the inside texture up perfectly. I give it an eight out of 10.
Now for the Dark Chocolate Truffle. I thought this truffle was a little bit too chocolatey and sweet for me. Personally I don’t love dark chocolate so if you do then maybe you would like this more than me. I rate it a four out of 10.
Onto the Fudge Swirl Milk Chocolate Truffle. This truffle was a combination of the Milk Chocolate Truffle and the Dark Chocolate Truffle. It was gooey and chocolatey, in a good way. I rate it an eight and a half out of 10.
Last is the Caramel Dark Chocolate Truffle. I think it should be called the Sea Salt Caramel Dark Chocolate Truffle because it was definitely a little bit salty, but the caramel and dark chocolate mixed well and I thought it was the best one. I give it a nine out of 10.
In conclusion, I recommend these truffles to all the chocolate lovers out there. One tip for anyone who tries them, DO NOT leave your truffles in the car in 80 degree weather, they will melt and make a mess.