Jada McElroy
New Year’s Eve is a celebration where families gather around and celebrate a new year together. New Year’s Eve is celebrated on December 31 and it ends the next day. This celebration started in 2000 b.c in Mesopotamia. Some of the common activities that families do on New Year’s Eve include hosting a party, doing a countdown, playing board games, having a dance party, launching fireworks and much more.
When New Year’s Eve comes around, many families celebrate in different ways. For example, some families celebrate by having a big dinner and saying cheers, while other families wait until it is officially January 1 and give everyone in the family a big hug and say a little speech about being together one more year.
Some of the traditions that people do around the world include carrying empty suitcases, which means a new whole year to travel and see around the world. Lucky grapes are also very common on this day, especially in Spanish-speaking countries. In these countries, everyone grabs a cup of 12 grapes, and when it’s officially New Year’s Day, they eat them to welcome the new year.
Some people believe that if you do any house chores on exactly January 1, you are sweeping or washing away any good luck that is stored in your home for the new year, so it is better to do all of your chores the next day.
Another tradition that also happens on New Year’s Eve is kissing. Many couples like doing this on the last day before a new year begins because they believe that locking lips can make a relationship strong and offer good luck for them.
On New Year’s Eve, people sometimes spend a lot of money on food, drinks and even gifts for loved ones. Most of the population spends under $200 for a whole feast while only 4 percent spend at most $500, if they also buy fireworks.
New Year’s Eve is one holiday that should be celebrated together because we get to hug our family members and other loved ones and wish them another year of happiness and healthy lives but, most importantly, thank God for giving us the chance to keep breathing another year.