The rain on July 28 did not help students navigate the new turning lanes built on Jeff Road. Photo by Olivia Jones
Road changes to make driving safe
A new turning lane has been added to the Jeff Road entrance in order to allow easier access into both the Kelly Plantation neighborhood and the school. The turning lane allows for traffic to flow around students trying enter the campus parking lot.
On Senator Day, July 28, there was a wreck at the school entrance connected to Jeff Road. Knowing that accidents are numerous on this road during the school year, people became concerned about the safety with this new road construction.
Since this date, arrows have been added instructing drivers where they need to turn. At the time of the wreck, only the road layout had been changed, inexperienced drivers may not have known how to interact with the new layout. Even with a first hand viewing of the incident, students still express a positive attitude towards the changes.
“There were a lot of tardies due to having a single lane so now that it has been widened, there will be less tardies and less stress on teachers and students,” senior Olivia Jones said.