Technology exceeds importance humanity

More stories from Jasmine Turner

Holiday Drives
November 16, 2016

Growing up in a world where technology is depended on, it is difficult to imagine life without it. We use our cell phones and computers to complete any task life throws at us. When we are bored we play games or read to occupy our time, mostly using our cell phones or computers. Our life literally revolves around a virtual universe.

Social media such as Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat have become a window in which we share our memories, thoughts and emotions. Instead of sharing our feelings personally, in the real world, we choose to hide behind a screen.

Without technology we would not be able to enjoy the time-consuming activities the Internet has to offer. We have become too involved and wrapped up in this international trend. Posting the hottest pictures and using a hashtag to encourage some kind of idea.

If computers disappeared, information would not be as easily accessible. There is an infinite amount of unknown information in the world, therefore we use Google or Siri to search a question. Flipping through the pages of a textbook is usually a last resort when trying to find an answer.

In countless ways, technology is extremely helpful when solving a problem or learning something new, but in other ways in can be a major distraction. When the bell rings for class to end, it is hard enough to get to class without bumping into people. It does not help when a student has their face in their phone walking ever so slowly. Without technology as an interruption, people can not take advantage of it.

We have become too close to our devices, therefore if it vanished we would be outraged. Living in this revolutionized world has taught us that, without technology, life would be overbearing and tough. Being deprived of technology would add on to the list of stressful problems that we encounter.