February’s Horoscopes
Aries (March 21-April 19)– There may be a few visions and dreams of entertainment that won’t meet your standards, but you will be enveloped by people that love you, and be content. The New Moon on February 8 is active in your Eleventh House of community, friends and your spouse. The Full Moon, the Snow Moon, emphasizes to you to do what is best for yourself. Pamper yourself for once.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)– New Moon on February 8 replenishes your stressful problems. Take a step back and look around, assess, and plan for better fortune. February 14, The Moon is in Taurus for Valentine’s Day. The Full Moon, this month known as the Snow Moon, appears on February 22 a great time spend with friends. Public or private friends are good to have this month.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)– To really give back to the world, you will not have to travel far. The world is in reaching distance of your potential. On February 22 the Full Moon, this month known as the Snow Moon, appears and can come with essential solutions. Opportunities are plentiful now, do not miss out on a life changing occasion. February 26 with a tender Mercury and Uranus sextile will encourage attraction of a lover.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)– On February 8 the New Moon, will not seem so friendly to you. Increasing might add a slight complexion and confusion in your wicked life, might seem like a lot. You will always have your friends and family to support you on the journey this month. Your Ninth House is in full shine under the Full Moon, the Snow Moon, February 22, reminding you that you are on a voyage of discovery. Sun and Neptune are in conjunction on February 28 which influences you to go out into the world and get what you have been wanting, whether a job or a car, do it. Take it one thing at a time. Discover your meaning.
Leo (July 23- August 22)– Love is in the air for you this month. February 8 the New Moon ignites a burning passion deep in your heart. Don’t be afraid of it, embrace the flame. The Full Moon may reveal hidden feeling and solutions on February 22, the Snow Moon. The Sun and Neptune are in conjunction on February 28 which may bring to light to importance of kindness that is needed in the world. Wear your heart on your sleeve, experiment, strive to gain knowledge and give back.
Virgo (August 23-September 22)– Good habits and better choices will be on your side this month. Being healthy, friendly, and just a touch romantic will refresh your mind. You deserve it! A love may appear in your life in the time of the Full Moon on February 22, the Snow Moon. Wae your heart on your sleeve and don’t be surprised to find someone who does the same. But be cautious of heartbreak.
Libra (September 23-October 22)– As the Snow Moon approaches, the Full Moon, on February 22 be kind and loving to yourself and others! Be adventurous and outgoing on the New Moon, February 8. Be you and only you this month, no excuses, makes new friends and open up even though your brain might tell you other wise.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21)– This month focuses on your goals in life. Don’t be afraid to reach for the stars and go out into the crazy world to get what you are looking for. On the Full Moon, the Snow Moon, February 22 determination to fulfill those long time dreams. Obstacles will arise but don’t back down, if you can dream it, you can do it. The Moon and Mars conjunction on February 29 may drive you to achieve what you aspire to get.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)– The New Moon on February 8 induces fun times, embrace them. Cherish the time spent with your friends and family, you only have so long with them. Under this Full Moon on February 22, the Snow Moon, be content with what and who you have in your life. Family love is all that matters this month. They only want the best for you. The Moon and Jupiter sextile on February 28 only makes great things that happen better. Look forward to that.
Capricorn (December 22-January 19)– February 8 New Moon looks up for you. Fortune is very rich with you this month. Spend wisely though, money doesn’t grow on trees. The Full Moon, Snow Moon, on February 22 encourages friendship with lost bonds and connections with new souls. Listen and learn some new things from new people, it can’t hurt.
Aquarius (January 20-February 18)– You have found your shine, it’s this month’s New Moon on February 8. Decide how much idolization or interest matters to you, but do not change who you are on the inside. This Full Moon on February 22, the Snow Moon, features friends, popularity and fortune. The Moon and Uranus on February 28 are quincunx, which may disorient your vision of your goal. Stick to it do not let it out of your sight. If you don’t expect much, you will never be disappointed.
Pisces (February 19-March 20)– A friend may have a problem that you could help with. Your everyday life will come into the spotlight. The New Moon on February 8 may make you a little more curious. Read between the lines, it will help you this month. The Snow Moon will entice your friends and family with love for you, the Full Moon February 22. Lots of hugs and kisses for you as the Full Moon fades. The Sun and Neptune conjunction on February 28 releases the attention for you to spend time on yourself.