March Horoscopes

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Aries (March 21-April 19)- Look within yourself and maybe fix some long-time problems on the New Moon. It may be something tiny that has been irritating for a long time. It is easy to form a new good habit now. The Full Moon, also called the Worm Moon this month, on March 23 shines in favor of love on all relationships in your life. Passion glistens with warmth. Easter Monday, March 28, is high energy with the Moon and Mars conjunction. You may be ready to start something that has been on your mind all winter long. Spring it into action.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)- Your social obligations are calling to you on the New Moon. Be careful to not overcommit, neglect a commitment, or sacrifice time needed for something more important. Your friends need and want you during this month go out with them and enjoy yourself. The Full Moon on March 23, the Worm Moon, persuades you to do things for yourself for once. Get deeper rest and pay attention to your body. On March 30, the Venus and Chiron conjunction could bring back the remembrance of an old memory. Look closer into it and pull a lesson out of the past.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)- You are in the spotlight during the New Moon this month. Remember, one step at a time, keep moving forward. Messing up is okay to do, because not everyone is perfect. During the Full Moon, this month called the Worm Moon, your creativity will blossom on March 23. Be innovative, curious and original. The Mercury and Uranus conjunction on March 31 may bring out that party animal in you.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)- The New Moon will bring a new kind of curiosity to your life. You are like an ant to the rest of the world, go explore it. This is the time to bring out a new you. Push away your feelings of shyness; let loose. The March 23 Worm Moon or Full Moon may inspire you to explore not just the world, but your soul. The Moon and Neptune sextile on March 31 brings you kindness to share with everyone you meet.
Leo (July 23-Aug 22)- Throughout the New Moon your friends will need your help. Be willing if asked and good karma will return. The Worm Moon or Full Moon on March 23 bring high spirits for the rest of the month. You are special to your friends and family, give back to them. The trine of the Sun and Moon on March 26 brings generosity and friendship. Help those in need.
Virgo (Aug 23-Sept 22)- The March 8 New Moon bring romance and love to your life. Don’t rush into things, though you may want to. Things will unfold for the good. The Full Moon, the Worm Moon, on March 23 gives you an opportunity to be a leader for once. Try not to step on anyone’s toes in the process. Being inflexible could hold you back from well earned opportunities on March 30, when Mercury squares Pluto.
Libra (Sept 23-Oct 22)- This is the month to put yourself before everyone else. There is nothing bad about that. The March 23 Full Moon called the Worm Moon could be the time to go out and be good to yourself for once. A blossoming love may appear this month, it is spring after all! Love is in the air. Go into the budding romance with an open mind. The Venus/Chiron conjunction on March 30 fills your soul with happiness and sunshine to share with everyone around.
Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21)- The March 8 New Moon brings the opportunity to break bad habits. Be open to working hard to eliminate them from your life. The Worm Moon on March 23 called the Full Moon emphasizes the friends and family that have been there to support you from the start. Spend some time with the ones who love you most. The Moon and Pluto conjunction on March 31 highlights your hard work. Keep it up.
Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)- The New Moon highlights your home life and family circumstances. Do not hide your feelings toward your family members talk it out. The Full Moon, Worm Moon, on March 23 gives you the opportunity to enjoy yourself after an emotional month. You do not need to do anything special, go bowling or get your nails done. The Moon and Saturn conjunction on March 11 sets you up for great success this month.
Capricorn (Dec 22- Jan 19)- Exploration of new friendships around the New Moon will benefit you for years down the road. Be serious with the new friendship, but be yourself too. Thoughts of change during the Full Moon, the Worm Moon, on March 23 will help with making this new friendship. Start a new routine or eat somewhere different. Feel good about yourself and your personality. The Moon and Saturn conjunction on March 11 brings a fun and entertaining month.
Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18)- The New Moon is complete magic for you this month. It is filled with good luck for money and romance. Spontaneity is with you this month; go with your gut. The Full Moon, this month called the Worm Moon, on March 23 brings you determination to learn new skills and talents. Do not give up. With the Moon sextile Venus and then Mercury on March 22, you should take this opportunity to spring into the new season.
Pisces (Feb 19-March 20)- You own the New Moon when a partner or lover says the magic words to heal an old wound or solve an old problem. Move on and learn from this lesson. On March 23, the Full Moon or the month called the Worm Moon, money looks like it is on your side. Set a budget and stick to it, there will be big benefits at the end of the month. The Sun and Neptune conjunction of last month passes over to this month giving you second chances in anything you do if you work hard enough for them.