Nothing awes an audience like classic animated movies with popular names such as Disney and Warner Bros being one of the most well known. After the release of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, animation became one of the most popular forms of entertainment and has continued to be popular to this day with some of the most popular and profitable movies being family animated movies. Animation allows expression unlike any other form of media on the big screen showing truly unique artistic interpretations and styles in movies that create a special memory tied to each movie. Animators themselves spend countless hours perfecting their vision in a way that both holds up the story while also appeases the audience. Animation is a special, modern art form that will continue to inspire audiences for generations.
Live action films have been made since the mid 1890s and since then they have evolved to greater heights. There is something about the figure you see on screen having been captured in an image played back to you 60+ times a second. I think people have become desensitized to that incredible fact. Before CGI especially filmmakers had to craft complex methods of making something look like something else. Painted backgrounds, smoke, costumes, makeup and elaborate performances. A lot of the first films of the 1890s and 1910s are composed of all of this and you can see the effort that was put into them. Special effects have always been special and I know always will. One big positive of live action is that the people in live action films are well, alive. In animated movies, a personal observation I have made is that it is hard to tell what emotion the character is feeling. In live action, you have no such problem.