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Cell Phone Policy
Photo Credit: Kimberly Lewis

Cell Phone Policy

Numerous high schools have been cracking down on the rules this year. One of these is the cell phone policy. The consequences of having your phone out can lead to out-of-school suspension, which is stricter than in previous years.

 I understand the importance of the policy and the attempt to improve students’ focus, but there are also reasons why I believe students should be allowed to have their phones. 

One of the problems with the policy is a student may need to communicate with somebody who isn’t in their emergency contacts. This could occur when the student needs to contact their way of transportation; however, this can result in punishment, because you cannot take your phone out in class. 

 Classrooms can be noisy. There are clicking, talking, and other distractive noises that can be harmful to a student while trying to focus. Listening to music can help drown out the distraction, resulting in a student who can focus

Another problem with the policy is that students may feel safer if they can communicate with their parents in cases of emergency. If there were to be a lockdown, students would want to text their parents or guardians. That calls for natural disasters as well.  

Not only do students feel safer, but they also feel more focused when they listen to music. In our broadcasts, for example, many students were upset and claimed they focused better when listening to music in class. Most students also said that it calms them down. 

“Half of Americans recall regularly listening to music while studying, and 60% said they were able to study better with sound on in the background.” the New York Post said. 

However, some may disagree with this statement. For example, some students prefer to work in silence because it can help them focus.

“If you listen to music in a language you know, it can be distracting,” Liberal Arts Psychologist, Brian Anderson said.

In conclusion, there are both negative and positive aspects of the new policy. It depends on individual people and situations. 

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