The Student News Source of Sparkman High School

Photo Credit: Rileigh Glassman

Signing Off: Sophomore Comments On Valentine’s Day

Dear Valentine’s Day, 

Let’s be straight up and get to the point, you are very petty holiday. A real holiday is a dedicated time where you can spend time with your loved ones, celebrate, or even eat yummy foods. You, on the other hand, have no business being so “ important”. If you really love someone, why wait until Valentine’s Day to show it to them? Not to hurt your feelings, but you’re literally just a watered down first date. 

  You aren’t even considerate to people who don’t have a date, just got out of a relationship, lost a loved one or those that don’t have the money to go all out with fancy gifts. I don’t know if it’s just me, but you are also full of double standards. For example, if a female did not get a gift for her special other, it would be “ok”  because it isn’t demanded. On the other hand, if the male showed up empty handed or didn’t make Valentine’s Day the most special day in the world for his babe, then the world would fall apart.

I have been kind of salty, so I’ll admit one good thing about you; you are the perfect excuse to eat an unhealthy amount of chocolate without being shamed. During your holiday, the best types of chocolates are available and for a reasonable price. Don’t let me talking about your delicious chocolate distract you from the downsides, now. And honestly the only reason I don’t like you is because my friends don’t have dates, which means I have to spend time with them instead of my… nevermind.

 P.S., I actually don’t hate you, I just want to support the people who are lonely this year. Oh and please make more things for men, I don’t have $200 for shoes. 

        Xoxo, Amiyah B.

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