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The Student News Source of Sparkman High School

The Crimson Crier

The Student News Source of Sparkman High School

The Crimson Crier

The Student News Source of Sparkman High School

The Crimson Crier

Matt Brown

Matt Brown, Opinion Editor

All content by Matt Brown
Student Reflects On Russian Invasion Of Ukraine

Student Reflects On Russian Invasion Of Ukraine

By Matt Brown, Opinion Editor March 8, 2022

Last week Feb 21, 2022 Russian President Vladamir Putin went through with his invasion of the sovereign country of Ukraine. This invasion came as no surprise to many other countries and especially not...

Joe Biden's first year was full of plenty of triumphs, though they were largely overshadowed by failures.

Senior Reflects On President Joe Biden’s First Year In Office

By Matt Brown, Opinion Editor February 22, 2022

At the start of the year, Biden rounded out his first year in office as President. Biden has had a  tumultuous first year in office and the good he did accomplish in his first year is heavily outweighed...

Senior Reflects On Tensions In Ukraine

Senior Reflects On Tensions In Ukraine

By Matt Brown, Opinion Editor February 22, 2022

After years of unfair control and bloodshed over independence, the nation of Ukraine finally emerged from the ashes. On Aug. 24, 1991, the nation claimed its independence after centuries of Russian-dominated...

Senior Recalls Childhood With Elmo

Senior Recalls Childhood With Elmo

By Matt Brown, Opinion Editor February 3, 2022

When I was a kid I remember being obsessed with Sesame Street. Every morning I would wake up, get my breakfast and go straight to PBS to watch Elmo and the gang on whatever they were getting up to that...

As 2021 draws to a close, we can only hope for the best for 2022

Student Predicts Political Outcomes of 2022

By Matt Brown, Opinion Editor January 14, 2022

With the start of the new year, it is time once again to make a slew of predictions concerning the political world and the state of our nation as we move through the new year. I have a large number of...

Over a year has gone by since democracy has been threatened.

Student Reflects On A Day of Infamy, One Year Later

By Matt Brown, Opinion Editor January 13, 2022

It has been a year since the day we almost saw our Democratic edifice come crumbling down before our eyes. Jan. 6, a day that left another stain on our nation’s already troubled history it fractured...

Words Matter In Times of Crisis

Words Matter In Times of Crisis

By Matt Brown, Opinion Editor December 14, 2021

This past weekend the South and Midwest were hit hard with some terrible tornadoes that left a long trail of death and destruction in its path. Kentucky got the brunt of this disaster, but other states...

Texas Leader Wants The Nazis To Be Heard In Teaching Holocaust

Texas Leader Wants The Nazis To Be Heard In Teaching Holocaust

By Matt Brown, Opinion Editor November 8, 2021

Six million people, there were around six million lives taken. A tragedy that would leave a stain on the human race for all eternity. An event of this size and scale is something that will be taught across...

Congress Could Be Perceived Selfish

Congress Could Be Perceived Selfish

By Matt Brown, Opinion Editor September 29, 2021

America has been around for a long time and has had a governing body since the very foundations of our nation. With the articles of confederation, after America defeated Britain in the war they met to...

Vaccine Proves Effective In Spread Of Virus

By Matt Brown, Opinion Editor September 22, 2021

Delta is here and it looks like it could stick around for a while. With the rise of new variants, it seems every week the fight against COVID grows harder every day.  The push for vaccines has...

The 9/11 Memorial in front of Sparkman high School

Living In A World Post 9/11

By Matt Brown, Opinion Editor September 11, 2021

    Twenty years ago the towers collapsed, and America was thrust into a long-lasting conflict spanning decades. So many Americans are still facing the hardships of the crisis.      I never experienced...

Recent Elections Show Political Landscape Changing

Recent Elections Show Political Landscape Changing

By Matt Brown, Opinion Editor August 17, 2021

Recently the state of Ohio was faced with a hard fought special election for the 11th Congressional district for the U.S. House. The special election was held to fill former House of Representatives Marcia...

Sanders Takes New Hampshire, Buttgieg Comes in Second

Sanders Takes New Hampshire, Buttgieg Comes in Second

By Matt Brown, Political Reporter February 12, 2020

Sen. Sanders has taken the lead and won New Hampshire. This is a big win for the senator moving forward in the election and for one of the first times in history the New Hampshire selection has been different...

State of the Union Revealed Nothing New

State of the Union Revealed Nothing New

By Matt Brown, Reporter February 11, 2020

Last Tuesday President Trump took to the House floor to address the nation and the members of Congress. The President's speech was a recap of all that his administration has done in the past three years...

Sen. Elizabeth Warren Had Most Moments in Tuesday's Debate

Sen. Elizabeth Warren Had Most Moments in Tuesday’s Debate

By Matt Brown, Reporter January 17, 2020

Tuesday night marked the last Democratic candidate debate before the first Iowa State Caucus. This debate is a crucial one for the six Democratic candidates still in the race and all turned out to fight...

While gun reform is still an active discussion, a school shooting took place at a high school in California.

Gun Reform Still Looms Large For America

By Matt Brown, Reporter November 15, 2019

As major mass shooting and large acts of gun violence become more widespread, politicians have tried to roll out new gun reform plans for their states and some of them trying to make large strides on a...

Check Your Halloween Bags for These Disgusting Treats

Check Your Halloween Bags for These Disgusting Treats

By Matt Brown, Reporter October 30, 2019

There are many different treats and things to get on Halloween, but these things are the worst of them all.  Healthy candy alternatives- There is nothing worse asking for candy only to be met with...

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