Exchange students find Alabama a nice surprise
Photo Credit: Claire Yates
Exchange student Yana Golovnkh participates in a game in English class.
May 19, 2014
Going on vacation is one thing, but going halfway around the world, alone, and attending school in a foreign country is a completely different matter. Russian students, Yana Golovnykh and Rada Kuzmina both came over to the United States for the school year, participating in Future Leaders Exchange (FLEX).
“I was terrified because I couldn’t really speak English. I didn’t know my [exchange] family yet. I was scared because I didn’t know where I was going,” Golovnykh said.
Both girls have been attending school and learning about American culture. For nine months, Kuzmina has been living with a host family here in Alabama and adjusting to rural life. Believing she would be placed in a big city, Kuzmina was surprised to find out she would be living in Alabama.
“I was expecting to get in a big city. I got the south. I was freaked out like ‘I’m living on a farm!’ Fields, cows and cotton. I was thinking about big cities, buildings and a lot of people. It was challenging for me to be facing something else, but it is not that bad. I love Alabama’s nature. The air is fresh. It’s just really beautiful,” Kuzmina said.
From a young age Kuzmina decided that she was not content with life in one place. Dreaming to see more in the world, Kuzmina began putting in the work to see that her goals were met.
“I think when I was ten years old, I decided to be an interpreter. I tried to study languages. Two years ago I went to my first trip abroad. I went to Great Britain with a group of students. We traveled around and after that I decided I wanted to travel more and see more places. When you are sitting in one place you don’t see the world,” Kuzmina said.
With the ambition to see more of the world, Kuzmina competed for a chance to come to America. She won the competition and was given the opportunity to participate in FLEX for free.
“I’ve always wanted come to others countries and learn about different cultures. It’s just a great opportunity. I became more independent and responsible,” Kuzmina said.
With the year coming to an end, both Golovnykh and Kuzmina are preparing to go home to Russia. To Golovnykh, the experience that Future Leaders Exchange has given her is irreplaceable.
“This experience was so big and amazing I cannot truly tell what I’ll take home with me. It was probably the most amazing experience of my life,” Golovnykh said.
Although they will be heading home, this opportunity has been life changing for both girls. Coming to the U.S. was an experience that left them more independent and hungry to see more of the world.
“I think the best thing I will take home with me is that people shouldn’t be scared of anything. I want to advise everybody to not be scared,” Kuzmina said.