National competition awards student second
More stories from Jonathan Hatchett
Photo Credit: Photo by Hannah Cox
In early July, Sparkman’s own senior Beth Fowler ventured to Chicago, Illinois and was awarded second in the nation in women’s bowling.
“We were there on July 7 [through the] 12 of this past summer,” Fowler said. “I went with my family and I bowled with my three bowling partners who are like sisters to me. It was them, their families, and mine.”
Her brother Doug also competed in this tournament and appreciated the experience.
“It was very fun to be with kids from all over the world,” Doug said.
The crew ventured to Illinois to the Orland Bowl where they were pitted against the best of the best for five days.
“In those five days I bowled two different tournaments,” Beth said. “Two days before that I bowled in the College Expo that a bowling company was sponsoring which held the first 150 kids in the U.S. [My brother and I] participated in the tournament along with my two bowling friends. Then there was the tournament where I won second in the nation.”
Beth was ecstatic when she heard the good news.
“I found out by one of my coaches. He pulled up the standings after the last week needed, sending it to my dad,” Beth said. “When I found out about it I was thrilled. I was so proud of myself and how far I’ve come since I first started bowling. I know that sounds a little bit self-centered but in the bowling world it’s a big deal and I was so happy to come as far as I have and not give up.”
Beth’s brother Doug still managed to sprinkle in a few notes of sibling rivalry among the praise.
“It’s very good for her because she practiced as much as I did, I just didn’t have as good a day as she did and she [just] had a good day,” Doug said.
Beth had more than just a good day as such a high honor would not be awarded otherwise.
“My experience of the whole thing was feeling the rush and knowing my competition was around me and that I had to step it up if I wanted to place high,” Beth said. “Even though I was tired from bowling all of those games earlier in the week, I pushed myself so that I would get that “drive” to get through it. And it payed off.”